
作詞・作曲:中島卓偉 編曲:ダンス☆マン

So this is the combination of Takui and Danceman, the mix of british rock and african american funk. I looove the results! Takui can not be stopped as a writer for Hello Project. This man started off with taike bansei and has impressed me many time. As far as Dance Man  goes, nothing else needs to be said other than Morning Musume’s LOVE Machine… FIRE my friend… Fire. He has done other songs for other groups like juice-juice since then, but this one was really good (all of them are). He played the bass on this track.

The vocals in this song are typical of a Dance Man arrangement, full of bragadicco and soul. Not to mention Takui is harmonizing like a fuggin boss in the song as well.
The song is based off a simple quartet sound, with drums, bass, synth, and guitar. When comes to funk and a lot of African American musical genres, the song is much more about creating a groove for people to be hypnotized into into and dancing to. So this song is very much about patting your foot and bobbing you head. It succeed on that front in my opinion. This groove is almost completely created with the drum and bass. The other instruments play in the groove and add to it. Its very much about the rhythm. Also it generally does not move music chord wise, they generally bounce between like 2 or three chords if they are really sticking in a groove.
Dance Man has that fat ass bass sound that starts us off. I really love how the bassline supports the whole track. Slap bass is a wonderful thing…

Another thing about Hello Project that is usually missing in other idol groups is the extensive harmonization. The vocal harmonization in Hello Project songs are generally so involved that when you listen to instrumentals without the harmonization after hearing the full song, you are like… this is such an empty song!
The chorus really gets me, its the best part of the song in my opinion. I sing it to myself so much. The melody is like a cascading waterfall. Here is an isolation of the melody at the chorus part.

Takui loves modulations, so he threw one in right at the end of the song.
Naturally because its a Takui song, it is a mind numbingly positive “you can do it” type song lyrically, which I feel is one of his traits. The type of lyrics you can only write when adversity is an old friend…
I’ve read that the lyrics in the chorus are a pun, but I can not confirm myself as I have not gone through the lyrics.

I also love how Takui re-records a lot of the songs he gives to Hello Project. Hopefully he will record his version of this song.

Additional: Fans always create the best things for the songs they like. This also shows the strong influence of R&B.


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